Test of Time

"This is not the place for the inexperienced. Neither is the courtroom." 

That was the headline we used when we first ran an ad with this classic image years ago. And some things, like the image itself, stand the test of time. Like, the fact that:  

  • + Tom Duffy has tried over 100 cases to verdict
  • + Tom Duffy, along with two other firms, negotiated the legendary, record-setting $155 million food truck case settlement 
  • + Tom Duffy secured a settlement in another record breaking case - a $44 million med mal case - without taking a single deposition
  • + Tom Duffy, continues to write referral checks that are so large, they look like settlement checks

Firm names may change. Firm associates come and go. But there is one constant and one person with the above kind of experience: Tom Duffy. 

Tom Duffy


Let Duffy obtain an amazing result for you and your referred client. 
Call him at 215-238-8701. 

55th Floor, One Liberty Place, Philadelphia, PA 19103
215-238-8700  |  Duffyfirm.com

Referral fees paid pursuant to : Pa.RPC 1.5