Machinery Mishaps are Killing Factory Workers

Hundreds of workers have lost their lives in the past decade due to heavy equipment unexpectedly starting up during repairs, the Wall Street Journal reported in a recent article. These tragedies often stem from a failure to properly shut down machinery, a practice that is a violation of federal safety workplace standards.
The regulation, known as lockout/tagout, mandates that workers shut down industrial machines and secure their power sources with locks before servicing them. This is a critical step to prevent accidental injuries and deaths. However, despite its importance, the article relayed that lockout/tagout violations are the most common safety citations issued by OSHA, leading to approximately 85 deaths and 364 amputations annually.
Part of the reason, the article claimed, is that some employers prioritize production over safety, pressuring workers to skip these steps to minimize downtime. This results in machines being serviced while still connected to a power source, putting lives at risk. Some companies also fail to provide adequate safety training, leaving temporary workers especially vulnerable.
Some heartbreaking examples were shared in the article, such as the story of Wayne Rothering. Just months away from retirement, Rothering’s life was cut short when a conveyor he was repairing unexpectedly restarted and he was crushed to death. His employer, Ashley Furniture, paid a fine of just $19,115 for the violation. Another company, Edwards Wood Products, was fined $15,625 after Dakota Locklear died when a coworker unknowingly turned on the machine he was working under.
Safety is ultimately the responsibility of an employer. If you’ve been hurt in a construction or other type of work accident in Pennsylvania, you may be entitled to compensation above and beyond Workers’ Compensation, especially when it can be established that the machine malfunctioned.
If you or someone you love was injured in a workplace accident, your first move should be to consult with a top Philadelphia personal injury attorney. Please contact us to set a time to discuss your legal options.