
For over a quarter of a century, our firm has worked in several unique and growing areas of catastrophic personal injury in Philadelphia. To address the many questions and inquiries we receive from clients and referring attorneys, we established our firm blog. Here, we have the opportunity to address those questions, share timely news items, highlight legal trends, and feature stories of actual cases we have handled. If you have questions or feedback, you may comment on any of the posts or contact us directly.

As a reminder, this blog serves an informational purpose only. It should not be construed as legal advice, nor does communication through or because of it mean that a formal lawyer/client relationship has been established.

Risks and Benefits of C-Sections

There are advantages to having a baby by Cesarean section, one being a lesser instance of birth injury. But do those benefits outweigh the risks?

PA Ranks #2 in Medical Malpractice Claims

A recent study ranked the best and worst states for doctors to practice, citing working conditions, wages and the cost of doing business. Pennsylvania landed somewhere in the middle.

Hospital Patients Left with Pain

Opioids are powerful drugs that help manage surgical and other intensive pain. A national shortage is causing several problems.

2017 Safest Year for Air Travel

While aviation deaths have been declining over the last two decades, civil aviation still carries “very large risks,” according to the Dutch aviation consultants To70.