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Spring Sports and Spinal Cord Injuries

Posted on March 4, 2024

Spring sports season brings excitement for athletes who are eager to hit the field or court. However, active competition - both contact and non-contact sports - comes with a risk of spinal cord injuries. Here is a breakdown by type of sport, according to the Advanced Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Institute.

Soccer involves moves such as headers and tackling, both of which can put stress on a player’s spinal cord. While this sport doesn’t have as much bodily contact as other sports, soccer can still be risky for those with spinal issues. Strength and flexibility training can help condition your body.

Rugby, lacrosse, baseball, softball are similar in terms of risks. They involve high-impact collisions. Baseball and softball might involve sliding into a base, while rugby and lacrosse potentially have players colliding with each other. Bending, twisting, and lifting can also play a role. Padding can help minimize some of the impacts.

Tennis also has its share of spinal movement, whether it’s swinging the racket, twisting from side to side or sudden starts and stops. Players benefit from workouts on upper body and core strength. Playing indoors during the winter can help keep players conditioned.

Skateboarding places you at full speed on a device. Your whole body is engaged when you skateboard. Similarly, when you are competing on horseback, you’re experiencing a full body workout at full speed. Both skateboarding and equestrian activities have you navigating obstacles, which can lead to falls and injuries. 

There is risk even just walking, running, or playing golf. Repetitive motions, twists, and other movements can affect spinal alignment. 

Life-changing athletic injuries and tragedies can happen completely by accident…or because of negligence. Getting funds for special needs and care can make all the difference between a life of hardship or one of support. Tom Duffy has been a member of the board of Magee Rehabilitation Foundation for over 20 years. He is keenly aware of developments in spinal cord care and has obtained 8-figure verdicts for people who have suffered spinal cord injuries in Philadelphia. 

Please contact us if you would like to discuss the details of your case.