Duffy Recognized in 2025 Best Law Firms

(Philadelphia) – The Duffy Firm has again received a tier one ranking in the 2025 edition of U.S. News – Best Lawyers “Best Law Firms.” The firm was recognized for its work on behalf of plaintiffs in medical malpractice law, personal injury litigation, and product liability litigation in the metropolitan Philadelphia area.
A tiered ranking signifies a distinctive level of credibility within the industry. The Best Law Firms is based on a comprehensive peer-review survey. This methodology is at the core of the company’s credo, that “the best lawyers know who the best lawyers are.”
To be eligible for a ranking, a firm must first have a lawyer in The Best Lawyers in America, which recognizes the top 5% of private practicing lawyers in the United States. Tom Duffy has been featured annually in this ranking for over twenty years, and has also been honored as “Lawyer of the Year” for Plaintiffs Personal Injury Litigation in Philadelphia by Best Lawyers, a designation given to just one attorney per practice area each year.
Founded in 1988, this top Philadelphia law firm has secured millions for victims of injury in Philadelphia. This includes the largest medical malpractice settlement and the largest general liability settlement for a minor in Pennsylvania history. Learn more at duffyfirm.com.